Electromotive Forces and Electric Currents Caused by Metallic Dental Fillings
William Schriever and Louis E. Diamond
J DENT RES 1952 31: 205
This page has been added in order to present the above paper published in the Journal of Dental Research.
The complete paper can be viewed at:
Electromotive Forces and Electric Currents Caused by Metallic Dental Fillings.
When the authors discovered that they could measure electrical potentials in dental fillings when they were not in contact with any saliva, they simply assumed that the measured potentials must have been due to the electrolytic action of "bone fluid" on the fillings.
However, it appears that no-one ever attempted to demonstrate that "bone fluid" has the required electrochemical properties to do this.
And any contribution from thermoelectric and/or electromagnetic effects was completely ignored.
It should be emphasised that the commonly held belief that metals, mixtures of metals, and dissimilar metals in contact with each other are only able to generate electrical potentials by becoming involved in an electrolytic reaction in contact with an electrolytic fluid is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.
(See: Thermoelectric Effect)
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