Enquiries Concerning The Electrical Properties of Dental Amalgams

The five letters presented here were all written towards the end of 1992.

They represent one person's efforts to explain why mercury amalgam dental fillings appear to generate electrical potentials, and they bring into question whether or not mercury amalgam is a suitable material for use in dentistry in respect of its electrical behaviour.

(Before proceeding further it may be helpful to consider the following quote: "- it should be made clear that majority opinion, no matter how important it may be for democratic government, should in no way be used as the criterion for scientific acceptability", from "The Road To Reality" by Professor Roger Penrose.)

Letter 1 (Galvani's Frog's Leg)

Letter 2 (Tooth Batteries)

Letter 3 (Tinnitus)

Letter 4 (E=mc^2)

Letter 5 (Dr David Brown)


A list of people who received some or all of these letters is shown below:

Dr K Zilkha - Neurologist

Dr Bob Johnson - Consultant Psychiatrist, Isle of Wight

Dr Jack Levenson - Brompton Dental Clinic, London

Dr John Roberts - Dentist

Dr David Brown - Dental Materials Scientist

Peter Cole - Dentist, 279 King's Road, Fulham, London

Tim Radford - Science Editor, The London Guardian

Elisabeth Geake - Reporter, New Scientist


And here is a sample of replies:

Dr John Roberts - Dentist

J P C Bate - Dentist

Bob Johnson - Psychiatrist


2002 Up-date

2010 Up-date

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