Letter 2
The enclosed sheet shows how when a crude electric battery, such as a metal amalgam filling, is inserted into the tooth of a live human being, then the innervation of the head (through the upper and lower mandibles, tongue, sinuses, eyes, bridge of nose, ears and all the way back to the pons) provides a network of circuitry capable of dissipating the potential of the battery in the form of an electric current.
It must be recognised that each individual in society has their own unique array of tooth batteries and these vary from person to person with regard to size, number and time of life when each battery was fitted/removed.
It is my firm belief that it is the presence of these batteries in peoples mouths which is causing many to feel that they have inadequate control of their own lives.
Could you please supply me with any evidence you have which contradicts this belief.
Kindest regards,
(This page was http://book.boot.users.btopenworld.com/letter-02.htm )